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FSBO homes in 49345 Sparta, MI

2 Listings Found

9340 Sparta Avenue NW, Sparta, MI 49345 648846474

9340 SPARTA AVENUE NW ,Grand Rapids, MI 49345
Check out this 65 Acres of Rolling property set back off the main road. Many potential uses for further development or agricultural use. Zon
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  • $650,000

Rockford - 1306 Algoma Highlands Dr NE

1306 Algoma Highlands Drive NE ,Sparta, MI 49345
Beautiful ranch with walkout basement. Very spacious. Tiled foyer, living room has travertine tile, built in bookcases and cabinets includin
  • 4 beds
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  • 3.50 bath
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  • $375,000
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  • 4400 sqft

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