Priced to sell FAST. Total Interior Rehab Needed. // Get Instant equity with a great cashflow. Rent per unit will be $475/month x two = $900/month income. Separate Electrical meters. Each unit is a 2/1. // All info including virtual tour, pictures, comps, and more can be found here: https://www.wefliprealestate.com/property/shingo/ // Online virtual tour Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbwsRnoNqqyPfjXasBs6LQA3l3mnikduv? (first video is Exterior, second video is Interior) // Pictures:https://images.google.com/share/AF1QipPCPhnB4BbWSY8-E6CtGpkzoF2WCjiZFyzcN-npKOBRM-bCnc-H5CgMBrMTtEhkhQ?key=RFY0Z3BVSm42VmZxS1ItcWhvMURYNl9NQnIzN0F3 // Comparables: ?https://www.wefliprealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Comps-Shingo-Ave-Duplex-and-SFH.pdf // PVA Report: https://www.wefliprealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PVA-Shingo-Ave.pdf //
Extra Information for 1516 Shingo Avenue Louisville, KY 40215
- Seller Type: By Owner
- Category: Multi-Family Residences for Sale
- Square Feet: 1320
- Year: 1930
- Conditions: Resale
- Listed Date: Aug 09, 2019