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Homes For Sale By Owner In Lehigh Acres, FL

504 Meadow Road Lehigh Acres, FL 33973
504 Meadow Road
Lehigh Acres

Lot dimensions 175x50 0.20 8.750 sq-ft COMMERCIAL PROPERTY The C-2 General Commercial Zone is intended to permit a wide range of retail and commercial services, professional offices, and medical facilities. ... The General Commercial designation CENTRAL COMMERCIAL ZONE C2Sections17.30.010Uses permitted outright.17.30.020Development review.17.30.030Conditional uses permitted.17.30.040Lot requirements.17.30.050Setback requirements and yard regulations.17.30.060Height of buildings.17.30.070Limitations on use.17.30.080Design standards.17.30.090Utilities.17.30.010 Uses permitted outright.A.In a C2 zone, only the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outrightAutomobile, boat or trailer sales.Bakery.Bank, loan company or similar financial institution.4 Barber shop.5Beauty shop.6Bicycle shop.7Blueprinting, photostating or other reproduction.8Book or stationery store or newsstand.9 Bookbindery.10Building supply with no outside storage11Bus station12Business machines

Extra Information for 504 Meadow Road Lehigh Acres, FL 33973
  • Seller Type: By Owner
  • Category: Single-Family Houses
  • Square Feet: 750
  • Conditions: Resale
  • Listed Date: Sep 24, 2020

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