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Land For Sale By Owner In Atlanta, GA

1841 Almeta Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30307
1841 Almeta Ave NE

Situated in the heart of Atlantas Eastside, this ready-to-build home site is a rare opportunity to develop a dream home in one of the citys most desirable in-town neighborhoods. This home site features a large, flat plateau for building, and gently slopes to the rear providing an ideal setup for a basement level. The lot maintains a consistent width, front to back, and features a secluded bowl in the rear, perfect for a backyard firepit and entertaining space.More details at www.almetawoods.com beycome.com Listing ID: bey9008856. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 9008856. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/1841-almeta-ave-ne-atlanta-ga-30307/id9008856 .

Extra Information for 1841 Almeta Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30307
  • Seller Type: By Owner
  • Category: Land for Sale
  • Listed Date: Sep 20, 2021

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