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Homes For Sale By Owner In Seneca, SC

655 James Carver Rd Seneca, SC 29678
655 James Carver Rd

Commercial Property for sale at 655 James Carver Road, Seneca, SC, 29678.117 Acres located between HWY 59 and Wells HWY bordering Cross Creek Golf Course just outside of Seneca, SC City Limits. Road Frontage on Huston Rice Road, Joe Lewis Road, and Wells HWY. This is the largest section of land in the general area this close to City limits with only 1.8 miles to Seneca High School, 1.5 miles to Blue Ridge Elementary School, 3 miles to the Apple Wood Shopping Center and Walmart on HWY 123, and a 12-mile direct route from HWY 59 to I85, Exit 2. This large parcel is just waiting to be developed Parcel Numbers 253-00-04-016, 253-00-05-002 , 253-00-05-004, 267-00-03-005 beycome.com Listing ID: bey11007879. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 11007879. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/655-james-carver-rd-seneca-sc-29678/id11007879 .

Extra Information for 655 James Carver Rd Seneca, SC 29678
  • Seller Type: By Owner
  • Category: Single-Family Houses
  • Conditions: Resale
  • Listed Date: Dec 21, 2021

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