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Homes For Sale By Owner In Shingle Springs, CA

3476 Buena Vista Dr Shingle Springs, CA 95682
3476 Buena Vista Dr
Shingle Springs

Replacement value of the cedar alone in this home is will over one million according to the manufacturer Lndal Cedar Homes. The view of Sacramento and the Sierras from this hilltop home is a million dollar view by itself and one of the main reasons I bought it. I spent over 400,000.00 on material for permitted, inspected, and finalized upgrades and I did most of the work myself which would have been another 400,000.00 easily. beycome.com Listing ID: bey12114437. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 12114437. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/3476-buena-vista-dr-shingle-springs-ca-95682/id12114437 . beycome.com is here to help you save big with when you are looking to buy or rent a home online. We host thousands of listings daily and provide in-depth details on every single one ranging from nearby schools to walk score. With us, you can make a full legal offer on a home and get up to thousands of dollars back after closing the deal.

Extra Information for 3476 Buena Vista Dr Shingle Springs, CA 95682
  • Seller Type: By Owner
  • Category: Single-Family Houses
  • Year: 1974
  • Conditions: Resale
  • Listed Date: Mar 12, 2022

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