Cabin located in the Happy Hollow Lake Association at 512 Happy Hollow Dr, Dahinda IL. The Cabin is an octagon shape and is 375 total SQFT. There is a wood burning stove for heat, no water, electric, or bathroom. The property requires you to be a member of the association, the fee is 800 a year and gives access to the lake and other amenities. The cabin is structure only meaning that the deed does not come with land. The land is owned by the association but each member gets there own area for person use with the membership. The cabin could be relocated to a new location. beycome.com Listing ID: bey14316678. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 14316678. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/512-happy-hollow-dr-dahinda-il-61428/id14316678 .
Extra Information for 512 Happy Hollow Dr Dahinda, IL 61428
- Seller Type: By Owner
- Category: Mobile Homes for Sale
- Listed Date: Feb 18, 2023