Secluded 103 acre forested property centrally located within 25-30 minutes drive to Morgantown, Fairmont, Grafton, or Kingwood. Electric on property to former homestead. Camp area located along Maple Run stream. The property contains a variety of forest types offering ideal habitat to an array of wildlife species. Complementing this property is the managed timber resource located on good to excellent soil and is well positioned for value appreciation over the coming years. Merchantable quantities of sawtimber consist of an attractive species mix of Appalachian hardwoods such as: yellow poplar, white oak, red maple, chestnut oak, red oak, sugar maple, black cherry as well as other species associated with cove hardwoods forest type. Adequate to high forest stocking levels present throughout a majority of the property with an old field that was let-go and is now an overgrown thicket. Old logging trails are present throughout a majority of the property and could be opened up for improved ATV access.
Extra Information for 000 LAPLANTS ROAD Fairmont, WV 26554
- Seller Type: By Owner
- Category: Land for Sale
- Listed Date: Nov 23, 2023