1808 Abraham St. McKeesport, PA 15132 - This house in McKeesport needs a little work to make it your own, and through our rent to own program making it your own is easy. The house needs some cosmetic work and the boiler in the basement is older, and may need replaced in the near future. The basement is also damp and may need addressed. The house could also use a new coat of paint and some new carpeting. This house is available as a rent to own. You can rent it for $500 a month and have up to 5 years to secure a mortgage to purchase it under the rent to own. The amount of your new mortgage will not exceed $36,000. The price is $41,000. We would like $5,000 down and then the remaining $36,000 under the terms above in the rent to own agreement. For more information go to www.greaterpittsburghproperties.com or call to set an appointment on 412-799-XXXX
Extra Information for 1808 abraham st Mckeesport, PA 15131
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Listed Date: May 08, 2024