In 1978, Bob Sisk and Mary Lance Sisk, of the Lance Cracker Family, conceived the original vision for this exquisitely crafted residence. Fast forward to 2017, the current owners embarked on a comprehensive two year long renovation aimed to infuse the home with contemporary style elements while preserving the inviting warmth that had become integral to their family culture. The renovation was underpinned by three primary objectives: firstly, restoring the residence to the pinnacle of sophistication reflective of its original construction forty years prior. Secondly, optimizing its layout to seamlessly facilitate the frequent gatherings that had become a hallmark of their post-parenting chapter. Lastly, their commitment to environmental stewardship led them to integrate sustainable practices, including the incorporation of solar energy technology. Crafted with a blend of thoughtful design and unparalleled craftsmanship, this home embodies both style and sophistication.
Extra Information for 643 Brookview Dr Chapel Hill, NC
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Square Feet: 4300
- Conditions: Resale
- Listed Date: Jun 15, 2024