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5Th, BELLE FOURCHE, SD 57717 648091700

5Th Belle Fourche, SD 57717
Belle Fourche

This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling foreclosed homes quickly at attractive low prices. A list price is published but reasonable offers can be submitted for consideration. Offers can be submitted through the official Listing Agent but in some cases, no agent is listed and offers can be submitted the bank owner directly. Register now to get instant access to complete property details and photos. Still available at ListedBuy!

Extra Information for 5Th Belle Fourche, SD 57717
  • Seller Type: By Owner
  • Category: Land for Sale
  • Listed Date: Jul 02, 2024

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