This property consists of a cabin on 22 acres in Cameron NY located near State Land. Escape to this rustic cabin in the hills of Steuben County and enjoy the privacy of this secluded location. An existing driveway leads to the hidden, one-room cabin that sits back off the road and is surrounded by trees. The cabin has a propane wall heater and a loft for additional sleeping space. Just outside the cabin is a drilled well with a hand pump that provides fresh water for drinking and cleaning. There is also a well-kept outhouse that sits on top of a 1, 000-gallon concrete holding tank. A beautiful wood lot consisting primarily of nice sized hardwoods with strong populations of red oak. From the cabin, an existing trail provides access through the property for hiking and hunting. As you tour the property you will notice several existing tree stands as the current owners have enjoyed successful hunting on the property for 25 years. Deer, bear, and turkey are all frequently seen on the property.
Extra Information for 4261 Swale Rd Cameron, NY
- Seller Type:
- Category: Land for Sale
- Listed Date: Jul 06, 2024