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Th St, Jamaica, Home For Sale

115-12 159th St Jamaica, NY
115-12 159th St

Property is in need of repairs and will be sold in as-is condition. We are currently ONLY entertaining offers on our properties as we are inundated with interested party Please submit offers in writing via email. Please be sure to have the address and offer amount on the email Offers are reviewed by the selling party of the property and not the bank. This is NOT a REO. NOTE: We are contracted by the seller and do not advise regarding offers. Access is ONLY provided when an offer is accepted, buyers will be given a due diligence period in which they will have a chance to expedite a contract for submission to the bank where we will then require proof of funds and other documents the bank needs to expedite the Shortsale. Due to investor/servicer guidelines, status of properties under short sale review cannot be changed from "available" to "under contract" if a contract has been signed. For more details: https://realtyww.info/homes_jamaica-d44440/for-sale_i73771454

Extra Information for 115-12 159th St Jamaica, NY
  • Seller Type: 
  • Category: Single-Family Houses
  • Conditions: Resale
  • Listed Date: Jul 08, 2024

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