Nestled amidst the lush, stately hardwoods of Highland, NC, this mid-century inspired mountain home exudes a unique charm reminiscent of a cozy tree house. Just minutes from town, this three-story home is tucked into the forest offers unique views of the ridge line, mountains and Edwards creek, creating a serene atmosphere. The exterior of the home blends harmoniously with its natural surroundings, featuring a combination of wood paneling and large metal framed doors that invite the outside in. The roofline mimics the contours of the trees and stone outcroppings. Inside, the interior design embraces a minimalist yet comfortable aesthetic, with expansive windows that frame panoramic views of the mountain landscape. Natural light flood the living spaces, highlighting the rustic elegance of the design. The heart of the home is an open living area with a cozy fireplace, perfect for memorable evenings..
Extra Information for 3641 Horse Cove Rd Highlands, NC
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Conditions: Resale
- Amenities: Fireplace,Parking,Storage
- Listed Date: Jul 11, 2024