Located in the increasingly popular town of Oakboro, this home allows for the quiet country living so many want, while still being just a short commute to most major employers in the Charlotte area. With a roomy XXXX square feet, and an open floor plan, you have the opportunity to have both formal and casual living space, work from home space, any multi-generational space....not something that is easy to find in this price point. You also have almost 1/2 acre of land in the cul-de-sac of a short street, in another words you have privacy galore! Covenants and restrictions exist to help protect your property value, but no HOA or monthly dues. This one definitely needs to make your go see list. For more details: https://realtyww.info/homes_oakboro-d535743/for-sale_i74740669
Extra Information for 1133 Heather Oak Ln Unit 78 Oakboro, NC
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Conditions: Resale
- Listed Date: Aug 06, 2024