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Horseshoe Rd, South Mills, Property For Sale

298 Horseshoe Rd South Mills, NC
298 Horseshoe Rd
South Mills

When someone writes an ad and they say the features are 'too much to list', the list is usually over but not with this one, it might actually have 'too much to list'. Wow! So many upgrades so buckle up, This home features a brand new kitchen-cabinets, granite counters, center island and stainless appliances. LOOK at that kitchen! Both bathrooms have been completely overhauled including new vanities, all new plumbing fixtures, new tub and shower. All electrical outlets and switches are new and they are all mounted in new boxes. Almost all of the wiring has been updated as well and all of the ceiling fans and lighting fixtures are new and also mounted in new boxes. All three bedrooms come with large, functional walk-in closets. There is a full laundry room as well. The fireplace has been cleaned and inspected already for your peace of mind. The tasteful combo of the new paint color, new blinds and new flooring throughout makes it look, feel and smell brand new. Anything else? Yes, quite a bit more.

Extra Information for 298 Horseshoe Rd South Mills, NC
  • Seller Type: 
  • Category: Other Housing for Sale
  • Amenities: Fireplace,Parking,Patio/Deck
  • Listed Date: Aug 23, 2024

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