Nestled within a tranquil six-acre woodland oasis, this enchanting tiny home whispers an invitation with its rustic charm and natural splendor to escape from the clamor of urban life. A cozy haven, this rustic retreat embodies the essence of minimalist living. With essential comforts already in place, this home is cozy and inviting, capturing the essence of minimalist living with its weathered wood siding, seamlessly integrating with the forested landscape. A bold, clean mountain stream runs through the property, enhancing its tranquil ambiance. Tucked deeper within the forest, a spacious outbuilding offers boundless potential. Whether imagined as a workshop, creative studio, or developed into a larger cottage, this versatile structure adds to the propertys undeniable charm and endless possibilities. For those seeking a simpler existence and a deeper connection to nature, this idyllic sanctuary beckonsan undiscovered haven ready to provide solace and serenity.
Extra Information for 3929 Parker Padgett Rd Old Fort, NC
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Conditions: Resale
- Listed Date: Sep 16, 2024