Nestled among the towering cedars, this unique multi-level Northwest home sits on nearly 3 acres in the Cape George Highlands. Designed to maximize stunning territorial views and natural light. Each room has their own unique character, but adds to the common theme of a comfortable retreat. The lower level ensures plenty of light and a connection to the outdoors. Once outside, visit the tucked away sauna or just relax in the hot-tub. Meander through the woods, and find yourself in a NW sanctuary of stunning water and mountains views. This property is the perfect blend of functionality and natural beauty. Community amenities include marina, swimming pool, workout room, clubhouse, workshop and community beaches. For more details:
Extra Information for 251 Saddle Dr Port Townsend, WA
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Conditions: Resale
- Amenities: Clubhouse,Gym,Pool
- Listed Date: Sep 26, 2024