A Hidden Treasure! 910 Church Street in Royersford Borough, Spring Ford Schools reminds me of the excitement of finding that valued hidden treasure as a kid. You researched an important location hoping to find that desired opportunity, you knew you would have to work hard to make it yours, you dreamed about what you would do with this great fortune if you found it, and you knew that when you found it, you would cherish it forever, remembering the vision of the future if it was finally yours. When you pull up upon 910 Church Street, this beloved home is hidden among mature rhododendrons in front, surrounded by beautiful privacy landscapes, and is nestled along a dead end extra wide street-adding to the intrigue of what it all has to offer the "kid in you" seeking that treasure. Adore the private front porch setting while enjoying peace of mind among the surrounding landscapes and overlooking the sizable front yard. Inside, the quality and care of long term family ownership is very present at each turn.
Extra Information for 910 church st Royersford, PA 19468
- Seller Type:
- Category: Single-Family Houses
- Square Feet: 2500
- Conditions: Resale
- Amenities: Fireplace,Parking,Patio/Deck,Storage
- Listed Date: Sep 27, 2024