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Reed Ave, Mojave, Plot For Sale

800 Reed Ave Mojave, CA
800 Reed Ave

The address is approximately 800 Reed Ave, Mojave, CA 93501The Kern County APN is: 429-010-06The subject property is 29+- acres of heavy industrial zoned property with 1, 280+- feet of paved road and 1280 feet of electrical line both on Reed Ave. Water is by water well and sewer is by septic. This Mojave, CA property is under the jurisdiction of the Kern County building and planning department which is pro-business friendly and ready to do business.Some of the commercial uses in the heavy industrial zone areas are but not limited to: Automobile/Aircraft/Robotics/Space/AI/Hi Technology RandD and heavy manufacturing as well as automobile boat, vehicle, tractor dealerships, body repair, dismantling, scrap metal processing/salvage yards, building trades, communication facilities, food manufacturing and storage facilities/warehousing and storage, emergency shelters etc. Automobile, boat, equipment, motorcycle, truck, tractor, sales, service, repair, accessories and parts companies.

Extra Information for 800 Reed Ave Mojave, CA
  • Seller Type: 
  • Category: Land for Sale
  • Listed Date: Oct 25, 2024

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